Threading in .Net – Part I – The Basics.
The Problems with Single Threaded Systems In early days of computers the entire operating system was executed on a single thread. The problem with these kind of systems back then was the long running tasks would prevent the execution of other tasks causing the other applications and OS to stop responding, And if the long running task has some bug in it, or if it goes to an infinite loop then the end user has no choice but to reset the system. This was a common problem for the 16-bit systems, as they were able to access only 1MB of memory. Microsoft knew that 16-bit Windows would not be a good enough operating system to keep Microsoft relevant in the industry, so they created a new OS to address the needs of Corporations and individual. Microsoft designed the new OS (Windows NT), they decided to run each instance of an application in its own Process. A Process is nothing but a collection of resources that is used by a single instance of an application. Each Process in windows has g...